Thursday, April 17, 2008

Course is finished.

For a year and nine months, I could not see beyond a few things. One of them was getting the money and making sure I took the continuing education classes in time to renew my license. I never thought I was going to be able to do it.

Well, I did it. It is done. Finished. I finished the last examination and the only thing left to do is wait for them to issue my certificate of completion.

After that, send the completion and the renewal fees to the Department of Real Estate and wait for their answer. Regardless of what they do, I have a strong sense of accomplishment. From doom, doubt and despair to successful completion.

I wonder what it is going to feel like to not think about if I am going to finish in time. I have not had the luxury to enjoy the fact that I earned and saved the money to register for the course. I have been too busy trying to get the work done.
Now, after almost two years, I do not have to think about any of that. I can think about other things. I can afford to risk thinking about deal making. I assume, of course, that I will have my license back.

I learned a great deal from Gilbert when he had to wait six months to find out if he had to leave the country or if he was going to be able to stay.

He gave himself a chance. I gave myself a chance. I can start planning. I can now use all of that energy that was used to agonize all of those months to creative thinking. I could use it to create money making ventures. I can use it to develop clients and find them properties that suit their needs. I can use it to create new ways to improve on the blog or to develop a website. Anything except thinking about a mountain that I never thought I would be able to climb and something, my license that I thought I lost for ever. I still have a hurdle to get over but I did my part. unbelievable.

Wow, I do not know what to say. I will enjoy the next few days. I did it.

I will be damned. I did it. I could not have done it without the help from so many. Thank you.

I just can't believe it. You have no idea how much pressure has been lifted.

good night.


Dallas Cowboys said...


online real estate courses said...

Well congratulations with that. Anyways, since most States allows agent to take up their continuing education online, I'm pretty sure time is not going to be an issue for your the next time you take your CE to renew your classes. I find it really convenient to use online classes instead of traditional training programs as I can manage my own schedule with online classes.