I made it. Where, you ask? I am in the Central Library to blog. Yes. I had to maintain my record of not missing a day.
You try blogging when you do not have a computer of your own. You try blogging when you have to go to one location to upload a photo. You have to go to another location to upload a video report and, lastly, to a third to input the copy.
Yes, I am here doint just that-making sure the copy is in. Three out of the four computer locations were either inoperable or unavailable today. Aside from that, I was not in the mood to hunt for a computer.
I was throwing myself a great pity party and then I snapped out of it. I had an assistant professor at Penn who told me that she was comforted each time she studied. With that in mind, I pulled out the HTML book and began studying. I was
surprised. I did feel better making progress on my education of internet skills and capabilities.
Then, I decided to do something that I have not done. I recorded a news report.
However, I just found out that the audio did not go through. I am not happy about it but I decided to keep the video posted.
Here is what the report said:
Grand Central Market was crowded today as people were preparing for the Christmas meal with large purchases of food to cook.
On Los Angeles Street today, the retail industry, particularly the toy district was extremely crowded. Christmas sales may be down in general, but you would not know it by looking at Los Angeles street in Skid row, downtown Los Angeles.
Meals were being served at the following locations to people on Skid Row.
---On the corner of 5th/San San Pedro. A live band is also there to entertain the recipients of the Christmas Meals.
----On San Julian St., between 5th and 6th, next to the Union Rescue Mission.
-----On Winston Street behind the Los Angeles Mission , between 4th and 5th streets.
Barbara, the artist who was interviewed on Skidrowbroadcasting.com , was out today at 5th and San Julian. All of her paintings were on display. If you would like to purchase a painting of hers. She is still there.
Finally, the police officers are delivering gifts to children at a women and children's shelter in Sylmar. It is run by the Union Rescue Mission.
If you do not have volume on your video, I am sorry. I will work out the kinks. we will have regular downtown news broadcast on skidrowbroadcasting.com and downtownlabroadcasting.
It felt good to push forward today after a shaky morning start. I remember something my sister told me. Do something good for myself every day. I did just that. I did what my father would have told me to do. I learned something. It is a hell of a feeling each time I learn some more of the HTML language.
I can see how things are put together now.
I wish the audio would have come through today but I still am happy that I have the video back. IT is just a silent movie. Bring back the days of Charllie Chaplin,
only in news broadcasts.
I am leaving. My time is over in 5 minutes.
I just found out stickam.com is located directly across the street from where I am typing. Interesting.
Good Night world. I love you.
Oh, I forgot to tell you. The picture was taken at the Little Tokyo Library.
That is where I usually blog these days. I love it there.
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